Putting the pieces together…

This is a 20 week class on the gospels and life of Christ, starting Monday Dec 16th.
The objective of this class is to equip students with a greater grasp and understanding of the metanarrative of the gospel accounts. By this we mean the “big picture”, chronology, and flow of Jesus’ ministry. Often we tend to know the individual stories, but struggle to know where in Jesus’ ministry they take place, and how they are connected to each other and impact the overall flow of Jesus’ ministry. Sometimes these gaps are filled in by the other 3 gospels. Studying them pieced together chronologically can help fill in these gaps and build a greater understanding of the big picture. By the end of this class, students should be able to walk someone through the main flow of Jesus’ ministry, point to any event on a map, and piece the main events in chronological order and explain their significance to the whole of Jesus’ ministry. 

Class Details:

- Class sign up required
- Class fee: $50 (covers the book cost)
- Classes held on Monday nights, 6-8pm
- Location:
Desert Ridge Baptist Church
- First class: Dec 16th, Last class: May 12th
- Classes will be recorded & posted online

Questions? Email: james@zionbible.com

Sign Up: